What to do when your Mac won't connect to Wi-Fi

What to do when your Mac won't connect to Wi-Fi

Is your Mac not connecting to Wi-Fi when you need it most? Well, we tell you that it can be due to a multitude of problems, but we are going to try to solve it in this article on qWhat to do when your Mac doesn't connect to Wi-Fi. Let's hope that what Apple support gives us will help us and if not, we also bring some other trick to reestablish the connection. 

We know that it can be very frustrating to find yourself in this situation, but don't get upset since everything has a solution and that's why we are here. Actualidad iPhone. We will try to cover everything from the simplest to the most complex, but keep in mind that if the solutions below do not work for you, you will most likely have to contact Apple support or your network service provider.

As we tell you, we are going to try to go from the most basic to the most complex, and you may know some of these solutions or have already tried them in the desperation of finding yourself in this situation. Especially if you need your Mac right now, which can happen.

Don't put your hands on your head if you see them as very basic since any of them are within Apple support or common use on the Internet, try it, even the simplest one may work. Therefore we go there with this mini tutorial on whatWhat to do when your Mac doesn't connect to Wi-Fi.

Restart your Mac

As we told you, you may think it's silly, but if you haven't done it already, try it. Many times, thanks to a restart, many more problems are solved than you think. In this case, thanks to that reset that we ask you to do, a reset the internet address that was assigned to you when you joined the Wi-Fi network. You hadn't fallen for it, had you?

Check your Mac's date and time and update the operating system

Check that both the date and time on your Mac are up to date. In case you have the possibility of accessing another Wi-Fi network, it can even be that of your iPhone from the network sharing function, try updating your Mac. A pending update may be blocking something. Try to keep your Mac up to date so you don't end up reading an article about what to do when your Mac won't connect to Wi-Fi. An update, no matter how simple it may be, can solve connectivity problems and many others that you cannot imagine.

Do you have a VPN active?

What to do when your Mac won't connect to Wi-Fi: disable VPN

To prevent other evils, we may be blocking our own Wi-Fi network. And using a VPN has many advantages, in fact there are browsers that already have them included, but also They can cause connectivity problems. If you have installed a VPN or other Internet connection security software at any time, deactivate or uninstall it now to verify that it is not blocking your access to the Wi-Fi network at your home, office...

If, just in case, you are not very into VPN, we leave you this article about What is a VPN and what is it for?, since you may be using it incorrectly or it may not be suitable for your Mac.

Use Mac Diagnostic Tools to Check Why Your Mac Won't Connect to Wifi

What to do when your Mac won't connect to Wi-Fi: Wireless Diagnostics

If you have not used them, they can be very illuminating about what is happening with your Wi-Fi network and even fix the problem. That's why we are going to teach you:

  • Wifi network recommendations: to get to them you have to press the Wifi button in the control center or also in the menu bar. Inside you will find a menu called «Wi-fi network recommendations«. If you are seeing it and you have been able to get this far, it means that we do indeed have a problem with the Wi-Fi network and the system is trying to recommend different solutions. There you will see that you can click on get more information about those Wi-fi recommendations.
  • Wireless Diagnostics: To get to the wireless diagnosis you will have to press the "Option" key on your keyboard while clicking on the Wi-fi logo in the menu bar. Next you will have to click, logically, on "Open wireless diagnostics" in the menu. If you need Learn more about how to open a wireless diagnostic menu We leave you a link to Apple support.

Have you updated your Wifi router? Try restarting it

Restart the wifi router

It is another of those solutions that seem silly but are very effective, like restarting your Mac or updating it. Most problems come from the network service operator, the router or anything related. It's rare that your software or hardware is to blame (although anything can happen). Update it to its latest version. Find the manufacturer, contact the operator and update the firmware.

As we tell you in the same title, you should also try restarting it. That is, turn it off completely and unplug it from the electrical network, so that it does not have any contact and we are 100% sure that it has lost its network. The latter is very important and is a practice recommended by operators when you go to their support, therefore it is a step that we take forward if you are going to contact your Internet service.

Try a different Wi-Fi network

Have you already tried connecting to another Wi-Fi network? As we told you in the MacOS update solution, you can try to connect to your mobile phone's data network. With this You will be able to verify almost 100% that it is not a software or hardware problem on your Apple device.

In case the connection is made and you can navigate, you will have to Contact your telephone and Internet operator so that they can give you support or, from their data, be able to fix it with their tools.

Check your Mac's network preferences

We are going to try to give you one last solution, since sometimes the problem may be in your network connection settings. It also usually occurs due to updates. But any little thing is likely to generate an incompatibility in these network settings and your access to the Wi-Fi network may be blocked. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Opens "System preferences" from the Apple menu.
  • Choose "Red«.
  • In the list on the left you will have to select «Wifi".
  • Make sure it is set to «Activated".

If it doesn't connect to your network, try deleting it and then adding it manually. The latter may solve the problem.

We are not going to add a "contact your network operator" as a solution since it is something that throughout the steps we have told you that you should more than likely do. So if none of this works for you, We recommend that you go to your Internet operator and discuss the solution with them. From their supports they can 'fiddle' with the router and perform a diagnosis. The failure could even occur due to a general problem in the area.

We hope that one of these solutions has been the good one to know what to do when your Mac does not connect to Wi-Fi: disable VPN.

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