Apple has launched its new round of Betas, thus reaching iOS 18 Beta 4, which incorporates many changes as far as bug fixes are concerned, but also aesthetic modifications or new functions that were not yet available. These are all the changes.
iOS 18 Beta 4 is now available for developers, as well as the corresponding Beta 4 of iPadOS 18, macOS 15, tvOS 18 and watchOS 11. These new updates, which will soon be available as a public Beta, fix many errors detected in previous versions, modify some designs and They add new functions that were not available until now. This is the list with all the changes we have found so far.
- New wallpapers for CarPlay with light and dark mode
- New “Controls Menu” in camera settings to retain the last used tool when expanding the controls menu
- New flashlight interface is available for iPhone 15 and 15 Plus
- The Books app now displays a black background for books you can continue reading
- New icon on the lock screen when we are using iPhone mirroring
- New iCloud subscription icon animation
- New design for the hidden apps folder in the app library
- Dark widgets can be used with light icons
- RCS messaging has been enabled on new operators, including Orange, Yoigo and Vodafone Spain
- Retouched Stock Market app icon
- Ability to resize the iPhone screen on your Mac using iPhone Mirroring
In addition to these new features, there are other small changes without too much importance, and a long list of solutions to errors. In general, Beta 4 looks more fluid and with fewer aesthetic errors, especially when it comes to changes to icons and widgets on the home screen, which now seem to work as they should in both light and dark mode. If you find any interesting news that we missed, you can share it in the comments of the video or blog article.