Google Abandons Flash Ads

Last year was the worst for Flash. In 2015, so many vulnerabilities were detected in the system created ...

Comparison, OnePlus 2 vs iPhone 6

En Actualidad iPhone We bring you a comparison between the newly launched OnePlus 2 device and the iPhone 6. Don't miss all its specifications.

iOS and Android, how to choose?

En Actualidad iPhone We are going to emphasize the positive points of each system so that everyone can evaluate it based on their needs or its usefulness.

iOS 9, much ado about nothing

The iOS 8 betas continue to come to us by the drop of a hat, with characteristics as imperceptible as they are ineffective for the general public.

The iPhone 6 keeps hurting Samsung

Samsung Electronics reported a profitability of about $ 4.350 billion. This represents a 39% drop in the fiscal year of the previous year.

Your driving license on your mobile

The state of Iowa is preparing to issue a digital driver's license. The state wants to have it available on the mobile, which will coexist with the current one.