How to install the iOS 18 Beta on your iPhone

iOS 18

Apple has presented iOS 18 at the inaugural WWDC 2024 conference, with a good handful of new features, but it will not be available until September. Do you want to try it now? We explain how to do it.

Be careful it's a Beta

When we talk about Beta we are referring to a test version whose intention is precisely that, to test things. It is expected that it will have bugs, that there will be things that do not work as they should, and that some of the new features will not be available yet. That is to say, It is not recommended that you install it on the iPhone that you use on a daily basis. We are also talking about the Beta for Developers, that is, so that those who make applications can adapt their apps to the new system. The Public Beta, intended for "normal" users, will not be released for a month, when it is more polished and fewer errors are expected.

If, despite everything, you are an eager Beta sufferer (like the one who writes this) and want to try it, know that the most frequent errors you can find are the following:

  • Excessive battery consumption
  • Excessive device overheating
  • Apps that don't work
  • Bad translations of the text
  • Interface failures
  • Features that are not yet available or that do not work as intended
  • Unexpected device reboots
  • Anything you can think of that could happen

iOS 18

How to install it?

As we said, the only Beta available so far is the Developer Beta, so in order to install it you must access its website and register as such. There are no longer any profiles to download from anywhere, access to Betas is done at the iCloud account level, so if the account you use on your iPhone is registered as a Developer, you're all set. It's free, and doesn't require you to make apps, so anyone can do it.

To register as a developer you must access the official Apple website for developers ( and there you must access by clicking on the button at the top right of the screen (Download) and Enter your Apple account, the same one you have on the device where you want to install the Beta. It will ask you to accept the terms and conditions of the program, and everything will be done.

Install Beta iOS 18

Now all you have to do is go to your terminal where you want to install the Beta and in Settings>General>Software Update enter the Beta Updates section and choose “iOS 18 Developer Beta”. If this option does not appear, restart your iPhone and access this Settings menu again. Your iPhone will download the Beta and install it whenever the battery is above 50%. A good WiFi connection and charging is recommended. If you want to do it on your iPad, Apple Watch or any other Apple device, the procedure is similar by entering the settings of that device.

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