Aquest correu electrònic revela el que Steve Jobs esperava d'Apple abans de morir

Steve Jobs

Que Apple sense Jobs no és el mateix és una frase excessivament escoltada / llegida, no ens hem d'enganyar, després de la seva mort moltes coses van canviar, però no necessàriament a pitjor. Seria una actitud hipòcrita la de negar que Tim Cook està fent una bona feina a l'capdavant de la companyia, aconseguint els seus millors resultats financers de la història i presentant maquinari de gran qualitat. No obstant això, tot el que envoltava a la figura de Jobs era bastant enigmàtic, avui sortia a la llum un correu electrònic que el guru de la tecnologia va enviar als cent empleats més veterans de la companyia, Amb una sèrie d'indicis sobre el que esperava d'Apple per a un futur.

Aquest correu filtrat per quars és força enigmàtic, exposarem la carta en anglès perquè pugueu fer-vos una idea molt més exacta del que realment volia dir, sense intermediaris. En aquest correu electrònic no trobem res sobre l'Apple Watch, Ni sobre altres elements de gran calat, però si veiem el camí que Apple volia seguir, el seu rival a vèncer era Android de Google, una guerra que segueix més perduda encara que anys enrere. No obstant això, altres idees com l'Apple TV s'han complert amb escreix. Sembla que Jobs acostumava a escriure aquests petits correus tan directes i objectius perquè cada empleat sàpiga quin era el seu lloc a l'empresa i el que s'esperava d'ell.

From: Steve Jobs
Data: October 24, 2010 6:12:41 PM PDT
To: ET
Subject: Top 100 - A

Here 's my current cut.

Steve 2011 Strategy - SJ
- who are we?
- headcount, average age, ...
- VP count, sènior promotions in last year
- percent new membership at this meeting
- what do we do?
- peu chart of units / product line and Revenues / product line
- same charts with tablets + phones merged together
- Post PC era- Apple is the first company to get here
- Post PC products now el 66% of our Revenues
- iPad outsold Mac within 6 months
- Post PC era = more mobile (smaller, thinner, lighter) + communications + apps + cloud services
- 2011: Holy War with Google
- all the ways we will competeix with them
- primary reason for this Top 100 meeting
- you will hear about what we'RE doing in each presentation
- 2011: Year of the Cloud
- we invented Digital Hub concept
- PC es hub for all your digital assets
- contacts, calendars, bookmarks, photos, music, videos
- digital hub (center of our universe) is moving from PC to cloud
- PC now just another client Alongside iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, ...
- Apple is in danger of hanging on to old paradigm too long (Innovator 's dilemma)
- Google and Microsoft are further along on the technology, but have not tregui figured it out yet
- tie all of our products together, sota we further lock customers into our ecosystem
- 2015: new campus

2. Estat de l'empresa
- Peter & Tim
- FY2010 recap
- FY2011 pla
- where is our business
- geo analysis (NA, Euro, Japan, Àsia, possibly break out xinesa) (present on map)
- key milestones, trends & future goals
- comparisons with Google, Samsung, HTC, Motorola & RIM3. iPhone
- Joz & Bob
- 2011 Strategy:
- "plus" iPhone 4 with better antenna, processor, camera & programari to stay ahead of competitors until mid 2012
- have LTE versió in mid-2012
- create low cost iPhone model based on iPod touch to replace 3GS
- Business & competitive update
- show Droid and RIM ads
- Verizon iPhone
- schedule, màrqueting, ...
- iPhone 5 maquinari
- H4 performance
- new antenna design, etc.
- new camera
- schedule
- cost goal
- show model (and / or renderings)
- Jony

4. iPad - Bob, Jony, Dan Riccio, Michael Tchao, Randy Ubillos, Xander Soren, Roger Rosner
- 2011 Strategy: ship iPad 2 with amazing maquinari and programari before our competitors de ve ni catch up with our current model
- Business & competitive update - Michael
- Apps, corporate adoption, ...
- show Samsung, HP (?) ANF iPad ads
- 2011 Product Roadmap
- Bob, Dan & Jony
- iPad 2
- new ID, H4, UMTS + Verizon in one model, càmeres, ...
- EVT units & cases
- HDMI dongle (usi for projection of donem below?)
- iPad 3
- display, H4T
- DEMOS: - PhotoBooth (Michael?)
- iMovie (Randy)
- GarageBand (Xander)
- text book authoring system (Roger)
- working display for iPad 3 (during break)


5. iOS - Scott, Joz
- Strategy: catch up to Android where we are behind (notifications, tethering, speech, ...) and Leapfrog them (Siri, ...)
- Timeline of iOS releases from first until Telluride, including Verizon
- Jasper tent poles
- Durango tent poles (without MobileMe)
- Telluride tent poles (with "catch up" and "Leapfrog" Notations on each one)
- Jasper: AirPlay to AppleTV - vídeo from iPad, photos from iPhone, ??
- Durango: ?? (Without MobileMe features)
- Telluride: Siri,?

6. MobileMe - Cue, SJ, Roger Rosner
- Strategy: catch up to Google cloud services and Leapfrog them (Photo Stream, cloud storage)
- Android
- deeply integrates Google cloud services
- way ahead of Apple in cloud services for contacts, calendars, mail
- 2011
- Apple 's year of the cloud
- tie all of our products together
- make Apple ecosystem even more sticky
- Free MobileMe for iPhone 4, iPad and new iPod touch
- Jasper - Sign up with Apple ID, Find My iPhone
- Durango
- Find My Friends, Calendari, Contacts, Bookmarks, Photo Stream
- April
- iWork cloud storage
- Telluride
- cloud storage for third party apps
- iOS backup
- new iDisk for Mac
- Growth
- projected growth, cost / user
- pla to scale to 100 million users
- transition pla for paid members
- what about email?
- Find My Friends
- Calendari
- Photo Stream
- iWork cloud storage (Roger Rosner)

- David Moody, Bob, Craig Federigi, Randy Ubilos &?
- Maquinari roadmap
- Lion pla
- Mac App Store
- Final Cut Pro DEMO (Randy &?)

8 Apple TV 2- David Moody, Jeff Robbin
- Strategy: stay in the living room joc i make a great "must have" ACCESSORY for iOS devices
- sals so far, projections for this holiday season
- add content: - NBC, CBS, Viacom, HBO, ...
- TV subscription?
- where do we go from here?
- apps, browser, magic wand?


9. Stores Update - Eddy, Patrice
- Music
- Strategy: Leap ve ni further ahead of Google in music
- Beatles
- iTunes in the cloud
- App Store
- Strategy: Leap ve ni further ahead of Google in Discovering great new iOS apps

10. iAds Update - Andy Miller

11. Retail Update - Ron Johnson

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  1.   Chema va dir

    Podríeu posar també la traducció per als q no controlem tant l'anglès

  2.   Bertus va dir

    Què tal si, ja que et dignes a publicar aquest article, ens ho tradueixes als menys avantatjats però no per això menys interessats?

    1.    Miguel Hernández va dir

      No volia esbiaixar la informació. Salutacions

      1.    Chema va dir

        I això q és ??? Un q us donin palurdos, si voleu apreneu anglès ??