Esta tarde hemos podido asistir a una una videoconferencia privada para los medios de comunicación donde Gameloft ha realizado la presentación de sus nuevos juegos:
– Asphalt 6: Adrenaline.
– Shadow Guardian.
– N.O.V.A. 2.
En la videoconferencia han estado el Producer y el Product Manager de cada juego, realizando la presentación y luego han respondido a las preguntas que les hemos realizado los medios de comunicación que hemos asistido al evento.
Aquí tenéis algunas de las preguntas que les hemos realizado, por supuesto en inglés, a los Producer y Product Manager de los tres juegos:
SIGUE LEYENDO el resto después del salto para poder ver el vídeo y las preguntas.
– Giuseppe: (Asphalt 6) Can i calibrate the moving sensor to personalize the drive and my position during the game?.
– Miguel Angel – ActualidadBlog: (Asphalt 6) Why should I chose this game among all the racing games available on the Appstore? What are its special features?.
– Mickaël: (Asphalt 6) How many tracks?.
– Kate: (Asphalt 6) How long did it take to develop this game?.
– TouchGEN_Nigel: (Asphalt 6) Is this a new graphics engine for A6, or based on previous games… how does it run on older iOS devices?.
– Spaziogames_Andrea: (Asphalt 6) Have you considered manual throttle for the cars or is it just automatic?.
– Fase Extra_Javier: (Asphalt 6) How many power ups is in the game? Are they available in all modes?.
– The Apple Lounge_Giuseppe: (Shadow Guardian) will it be available in different languages and, for example, in italian? Or only in English?.
– Planetiphone.de_Jakob: (Shadow Guardian) How many hours will it take to complete the story-mode?.
– Jesse: (Shadow Guardian) What kind of other actions can you perform in the game?.
– TUAW_M: (Shadow Guardian) Can you talk a little bit about the story of the game?.
– Miguel Angel – ActualidadBlog: (Shadow Guardian) I think this game has been completely developed in Spain, why did you choose the Barcelona Studio?.
– www.macnotes.de_Alexander: (Shadow Guardian) How many different weapons are integrated in the game?.
– BiteHub_Marvin: (N.O.V.A. 2) How long does it take to make the gaming performance and the graphics be nearly as good as gaming performance on consoles like PS3 or Xbox360 is? Or is it even possible?.
– Javier: (N.O.V.A. 2) How long will last the campaign mode?.
– Nigel: (N.O.V.A. 2) During my brief hands-on with NOVA 2, I noticed that the game was skewed more towards action this time round. With no sight of puzzle and exploration elements of the first game. Is this missing from NOVA 2, and if so why?.
– Multiplayer.it_Andrea: (N.O.V.A. 2) the enemies seems to be pretty static, will you improve the A.I. before the release? Or is this an easy difficulty level?.
– iPhoneitalia.com_Giacomo: (N.O.V.A. 2) What about the 3D Graphic Engine?.
– www.iPhoner.it_Alessandro: (N.O.V.A. 2) you can use the gyroscope?.
– Macitynet_Daniele: (N.O.V.A. 2) How many vehicles the player can control?.
– Cyberludus_Domenico: (N.O.V.A. 2) what about the story? are you planning to realize a trilogy?.
– iPadSfera_Alvaro: (General) Are all the games you presented today going to be available on iPad?.
– Nigel: (General) Will you continue to support all iOS devices in future or do you think there will come a time where the graphics technology of the older devices will hold you back?.
Os pongo de momento un vídeo no oficial (el oficial al final por diversos problemas no han podido publicarlo por el momento) capturado por nuestro amigo y compañero Carlos Die de El video es todo en inglés y dura algo más de una hora, pero en él podréis ver en funcionamiento los 3 juegos.
Este fin de semana además tendréis mas novedades de otros juegos ya que mañana estoy invitado a probar las versiones Beta de 4 juegos, de las cuales os contaré todo lo que pueda recopilar sobre ellas.
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